Hello! My name is Lindsay Patterson Abdou and it is my honor to be on the board for Music
Heals Minds. I am excited to introduce myself and share about why I believe in this

I was born and raised in Riverside, California and began taking music lessons at an early age
from my mother. I eventually received both my B.A. and master’s in music focusing on Vocal
Performance. I have performed with the Metropolitan Opera, Long Beach Opera, Opera Santa
Barbara, and the Industry. I am also currently a roster alto with the Los Angeles Master Chorale
and freelance vocalist for various projects based in Los Angeles. Up until this past year, I was
also an Elementary Music Specialist. Now when I am not performing, I am a stay-at-home mom
to Vianne (3) and Gabriel (1).

Being a mom has really taught me the importance of memory and to not take it for granted.
Every stage of my children’s lives passes by so quickly and it leaves me dwelling in the
memories of all of their firsts: first word, first steps, first full night of sleep! My children have
made my life so much more meaningful and to remember every moment of it is really important
to me. One thing that came with motherhood is what can be described as “mom brain”. During
and after pregnancy, I would often find myself having a hard time remembering simple tasks or
recent events. There are even gaps in my memory of what took place during my daughter’s first
few months. I recognize how lucky I am that my case of “mom brain” was mild. My struggle was
nowhere near as severe of what it must be like to live and struggle with memory conditions such
as Alzheimer’s or Dementia.

I believe music is an essential tool to help bring back cherished memories. Even with my own
children, I see the power of music and how it helps them learn and remember. I am excited to
watch the work of MHM help people heal their traumas and bring back hope.